jee main exam paper I

CBSE conducts JEE (Main) successfully on 4th April 2015


CBSE conducts JEE Main Paper I

CBSE has successfully conducted today on 4th April 2015, Joint Entrance Examination – JEE (Main) pen and paper based exam which is a gateway exam towards admissions into IITs of India. The exams were scheduled from 9.30 to 12.30 at many centres across country. Very large number of candidates appeared for the JEE Main paper based exam (for B.E/B.Tech). The computerised or online exam of JEE Main (B.Arch / Planning) will be conducted on 10th and 11th April 2015 between 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. JEE Main has been one of the largest entrance examination of our country and it is the first phase of Joint Entrance Examinations.

Approximately 13 lakhs students registered for JEE Main exams online which were held today. But the registrations for this Joint exam have been dropped by 50,000 compared to year 2014.

jee main 2015

JEE Main Exams are followed by students aspiring admissions to engineering colleges. CBSE is conducting JEE exams to ensure transparency in admission process to top institutes like IIT, NIIT, ISM, CFITs and many reputed engineering institutes of India. During this year, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Orissa and Nagaland participated in JEE exams.

The pattern of exam paper of JEE Main followed the multiple choice question and it comprised total 90 questions. Each question carried 4 marks with negative marking of half a mark. Jee Main paper contained three sections for Maths, Physics and Chemistry. The exam of JEE Main is significant for admissions to IITs, NITs and other top engineering colleges of country. The computer based exam or the Paper II of JEE Main will be having ojective type questions as well as a section of Aptitude and Drawing test.

CBSE has notified to release the official Answer Keys for JEE Main exams very shortly in pdf format as well as video form so that students can compare their answers with the answers give in the Answer Keys. The links are already released by CBSE and will be activated soon.

jee main exam paper I


Click here to check JEE Main Result 2015.

The second phase of JEE exams are JEE (Advanced) which are scheduled to be conducted on 24th of May 2015. Students who will be getting qualified in JEE Main will be eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced). Finally candidates getting through the exams of JEE Advanced will be able to apply for admissions to top IITs of India and also ISM.  Students who are aspiring for JEE Advanced can refer to IIT-JEE Advanced for more information like online application and eligibility.

The result date for JEE Main exam which has been conducted today is declared by CBSE as 27th April 2015. The marks of Paper I will be declared on 27th of April ’15 on its official portal of JEE Main. The result will also include declaration of top 1,50,000 rankers who will be considered eligible to appear fro JEE Advanced exams; the second level of JEE.

As per official notification of CBSE, the Answer Keys and the OMR of JEE Main for both offline and online exam will be declared between 18th to 22nd April 2015. The same will be published by CBSE over its official site.

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