Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages


First of all, I wish ‘Happy Independence Day’ to everyone. Finally the day, 15 August, festival of India has come near for which we wait whole year. Everyone has started making their plans for this special holiday, some people would love to see Prime Minister delivering the speech at the Red Fort, Delhi and some would like to watch full coverage on the TV at their homes. Some people would love to watch old Hindi movies based on patriotism. My friends and I also are going to spend whole day watching the movies based on India. We will share some of them here below so that you can also start find out them from now.

Apart from the above all, we will need of Happy Independence Day messages, Happy Independence Day Wishes and Quotes first. We celebrate this day more than any festival, because our country (India) got freedom from the British Rule on this day after lots of struggle, efforts, movements and non-violence by the freedom fighters. Rising beyond the cast and religion, every Indian celebrates Independence Day with pleasure, enthusiasm and affection.


On this day, the Prime Minister of India, hoists the national flag at Red Ford and delivers a speech that includes many big decisions for the nation. The tri-colour flag is hoisted everywhere in the country and as well national anthem is sung every part of the country. The students can be seen walking holding the nation flag with the pride and joy. Whole country pays tribute to the freedom fighters that fought against British Domination and kicked them out from the country. They lived for freedom and also died for freedom. Independence Day is celebrated in the memoires of those fighters who sacrificed their lives for mother India. This year (2016) will be celebrating 69th Independence Day with same enthusiasm and affection.

The Independence Day can be celebrated in many other ways like sending text SMS, wishes, quotes, greeting and wallpapers. So, here we are going to share some new stuff for Independence Day including Happy Independence Day Messages, Happy Independence Day Wishes and Happy Independence Day Quotes.

The Article covers following topics;

  1. Happy Independence Day Messages
  2. Happy Independence Day Wishes
  3. Happy Independence Day Quotes
  4. Happy Independence Day Speech


Happy Independence Day Messages | Happy Independence Day Wishes |Independence Day SMS

If you are looking for Independence Day messages, then you found the right place. Here, we have a great collection of new text messages based on Independence Day. You can copy and send wishes to family, colleague and friends.

“On Independence Day
Here’s wising our dreams of a new
tomorrow come true for us…

“Freedm in D Mind,

Faith in D words..
Pride in our Souls..
Lts salut D Nation ..our Inependence Day!
Vande Mataram.”

“Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom
to live independently in our country
cheerfully, helpfully, hopefully, peacefully
by remembering our national heroes
who gave us freedom
after suffering years of pain & humiliation.

Happy Independence Day”

“ts the perfect day, to pray 4 our country By heart. Orange, White & green 3 colors r there not 4 to look beautifull. These colour gives us message that we should love each other, live in peace and in unity
Happy Independence Day”

“This special day lets promise our Motherland that we will do everything to enrich & preserve Our Heritage, Our Ethos & Our Treasure.
Happy Independence Day.”


Happy Independence Day Quotes

If you want to send quotes on Independence Day, then you should check our best Independence Day quotes.

  • “Indi@ i$, the cr@dle 0f the hum@n r@ce, the b!rthpl@ce of hum@n $peech, the m0ther 0f hi$tory, the gr@ndmother 0f legend, & the gre@t gr@nd m0ther 0f tr@dition. Our mo$t valu@ble @nd mo$t in$tructive m@teri@ls in the hi$tory of m@n @re tre@sured up in Indi@ 0nly.”
    -Mark Twain
  • “If there i$ one pl@ce 0n the f@ce of e@rth where @ll the dre@ms 0f l!v!ng men h@ve f0und @ h0me fr0m the very e@rlie$t d@ys when m@n beg@n the dre@m 0f exi$tence, it i$ Indi@.”

—Romain Rolland, French Nobel Laureate

  • “believe th@t the civilize@tion Indi@ ev0lved i$ n0t t0 be be@ten !n the w0rld. N0thing c@n equ@l the $eeds $own by 0ur @ncestors, R0me went, Greece sh@red the s@me f@te; the m!ght 0f the Ph@r@oh$ w@s br0ken; J@p@n h@s bec0me We$ternized; 0f Chin@ n0thing c@n be $@id; but |ndi@ i$ $till, $omehow 0r 0ther, $ound @t the f0und@ti0n.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Happy Independence Day Speech for Kids and Teachers

If you or your kids are looking for the best and inspirational speech for Independence Day, then we brought huge collection of speech.

 “India got independence on 15th of august in 1947, so people of India celebrate this special day every year as the Independence Day on 15th of august. In the event celebration organized in the National Capital, New Delhi the Prime Minister of India unfurled the National Flag in the early morning at the Red fort where millions of people participate in the Independence Day ceremony. I love my india”

independence day speech

Independence Day SMS Shayari

Chalo Fir Se Khud Ko Jagate Hai,
Anusasan Ka Danda Fir Ghumate Hai,
Sunhara Rang Hai Gantantra Ka Sahido Ke Lahoo Se,
Aise Sahido Ko Ham Sab Sar Jhukate Hai”

“Chhadh gaye jo hasker suli..
Khai jinhone sine per goli..
Hum unko parnaam karte hain,
Jo mit gaye dekh per..
Hum unko salaam karte hain.”


Independence Day Poem

“Let every patriot be honored;
Don’t let politics get in the way.
Without them, freedom would have died;
What they did, we can’t repay.
Happy Independence Day

“No nation is perfect,
it needs to be made perfect”
Happy Independence day.”

“Bharat desh humaara pyara,
saare vishav se hai nyara.

alag-alag hain roop-rang,
par sabhi ek sur mein gaate,
jhanda uncha rahe humaara.

har pradesh ki alag jubaan,
par mithaas ki unme shaan,
anekta mein ekta pirokar,
sabne miljul desh sanwaara.

laga raha hai bharat saara,
‘Hum sab ek hain’ ka naara.”


“Bharat maa ke amar saputon,
path par aage badhate jaana.
parwat nadiyaan aur samandar,
hans kar paaya sabhi kar jaana.
tumame Himgiri ki unchaayi,
saagar jaisi geharaayi hai.
leharon ki masti hai tum mein,
suraj jaisi tarunaayi hai.
Bhagat Singh, Rana Pratap ka,
Behata rakt tumhaare tan mein,
Gautam, Gandhi, Mahaveer sa,
rehata satya tumhaare man mein.
sankat aaya jab dharti par,
tumane bhishan sangraam kiya.
maar bhagaaya dushman ko fir,
jag mein apana naam kiya.
aane waale naye vishav mein,
tum bhi kuchh kar ke dikhlaana.
Bharat ke unnat lalaat ko,
jag mein unchaa aur uthaana.”

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