JEE Advanced 2015 exams are scheduled on 24th of May 2015 for Paper I and Paper II. The JEE Advanced (Joint Entrance Examination Advanced) 2015 is the second level of JEE exams; the JEE Main being the first level. Candidates who get qualified in JEE Main 2015 will be automatically eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2015 exams. JEE Main is one of the eligibility for JEE Advanced. Candidates who pass JEE Main get qualified for the 2nd stage i.e. JEE Advanced 2015 and those who get qualified or pass JEE Advanced 2015 exams, will be eligible for admissions to IITs and ISM, Dhanbad. Seven IITs and ISM will be conducting the examination of JEE Advanced 2015. Candidate can get admissions into the IITs and ISM to follow courses in B.Tech, B.S (Bachelor of Science), B.Pharm, Bacherlor of Design, B.Arch, Dual degree program in B.Tech-M.Tech, B.S-M.S and B.Tech-M.B.A.
JEE Advanced Eligibility
JEE Exams are two tier entrance examination for post intermediate or passers of 12th class board exams. JEE Main comprises the first level where top ranker are declared. These ranker can apply for the next level called JEE Advanced. It is very important to know the norms of eligibility you should follow before applying for the exams of JEE Advanced. CBSE has prescribed the eligibility in the notification for JEE Advanced 2015. If you aspire for JEE Advanced, you need to fulfill all the below 5 criteria as per notification by CBSE. The check-list of criteria will guide you towards your first step to apply for this exam.
- Candidate should be among the top 1,50,000 ranker of JEE Main 2015
- Age Limit – Your date of birth should be on or after 1st October 1990. 5 years extension in Age limit is allowed for SCT, ST or PwD category.
- Candidate can attempt for JEE Advanced for maximum two times in consecutive years. If you have already appeared for this exam twice, you are not eligible to appear it. The maximum attempts allowed for JEE Advanced are two times and the attempts should be in consecutive years only.
- To get eligible for JEE Advanced 2015, candidate should have passed class 12th examination at the very first attempt in either 2014 or 2015.
- Candidate should not have taken admission into any of the IIT or ISM in the past. If the admission of any candidate is cancelled or rejected by any IIT or ISM in the past is also not eligible for JEE Advanced.
The online application or registration for JEE Advanced 2015 exams will begin from 2nd of May 2015 with its closing deadline on 7th of May 2015 on the online registration portal of CBSE i.e. Also note that you cannot change the city or town once you choose it in application form. So select your city or town carefully where you wish to give JEE Advanced 2015. JEE Advanced will be held in different zones by IIT Mumbai, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, IIT Guwahati Zone, IIT Kanpur zone, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Roorkee. Also see the important dates for JEE Advanced 2015 in the below image.
Check the important dates for main exam
If you are aiming high for JEE Advanced 2015, you can also get coaching for this exam. All the 16 IITs across India and ISM are running preparatory courses or coaching of one year duration for SC/ST and PwD candidates. You can opt for this preparatory course online on the official website of JEE Advanced. Beside IITs and ISM, other institutes who consider JEE Advanced scores for admissions to their institutes are Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institutes of Science, Education and Research located at Bhopal, Mohali, Kolkata, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram. Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology at Thiruvananthapuram and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology at Rae Bareilly also consider the scores of JEE Advanced for admissions.
We are sure the above information on JEE Advanced 2015 exams will give you insight into the eligibility criteria you require to appear for this exam. Just be ready to apply for the advanced joint entrance exam and get admissions into top IIT and ISM. We will be further bringing more updates on the JEE Advanced Syllabus, JEE Advanced Answer Key, JEE Advanced dates etc. Just keep visiting our site and get the latest updates on exams of JEE Advanced 2015. Also share your views in the comment section below.