cynogen os 12

OnePlus One Gets Cyanogenmod 12 Update

News Technology

cynogen os 12

OnePlus One device owner should receive Cyanogenmod OS 12 after the wait of over a month. CM 12 is based on the Android Lollipop 5.0 and boasts some awesome features. In case if you own the device then you should use OTA update option on your device to receive the update immediately. In an official blog post

company said, “The ‘L’ update has been a labor of love for many of us here, with major contributions from the CyanogenMod open source community”. There are several additional features added on the top of the Android Lollipop 5.0 version which makes it one of the most wanted update. Unfortunately, Micromax Yu Yureka users will still have to for a more time to get the same update on their device. However, we are expecting the update to be rolled out sometime in this  month for Yu Yureka users.

What’s in Cyanogen 12 OS?

Cyanogen 12 OS comes with additional features like material design, extra theming, App themer feature to theme individual app, Boxer Cyanogen mail client. With all the new features it has all the features of Android 5.0 Lollipop like motion, interaction design, and graphic animation. It carries the same features and UI enhancement. It also improves the overall usability of the devices. We’re yet to get the compatibility with the device along with the bugs. But whisperers are saying that there is some issues with the camera app which should be fixed in a next roll out. Fortunately, not all users are facing the issue so it could be a very minor bug or device specific issue only.

Cyanogen 12 comes with a premium version of Boxer email client. The email app comes with multiple account support, exchange supports, customizable notification and plethora of other option.There is no email client that even come close to in functionality what Boxer has to offer. The Boxer app also comes with different LED colors notification for different email accounts which is a hug boost for the users. You don’t want to miss this great email client for free. MyMail is another good email client that you can download on your device from the Google play store but it is not even close to the functionality of Boxer app.

Cyanogen 12 is a great little app that offers plethora of features to OnePlus one users and it is a highly recommended upgrade for all users. Since it is offered via OTA, we advice our readers to get the update via their WiFi network. Make sure your battery is fully charged so the update doesn’t interrupt in between due to battery discharge. Micromax Yureka users should be next to enjoy this great feature.


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