Get connected to the link to download your UPPSC result 2015 for the recruitment exams of Revenue Inspector (Rajasva Nirikshak). UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) had conducted written examinations for the posts of Rajasva Nirikshak. The candidates who applied for this post had appeared for the exams on 25th of January 2015. Now the UPPSC is under process of evaluation and will be soon releasing the results on its official website. The candidates who went through the exams can check their UPPSC Revenue Inspector Result at
The results of UPPSC Rajasva Nirikshak will be available on the above given link of the official site of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. We will be further updating you as and when the results are published. UPSSC had completed the process of online application for the exams by 15th of November 2014 and the admit cards were released on 14th of January 2015. Many candidates appeared for the exam conducted for the appointment of Rajasva Nirikshak from various centers of Uttar Pradesh.
UPPSC will be declaring the Merit list and Cut off very soon for the exam conducted for recruitment at various vacant seas of Revenue Inspector. The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview by UPPSC. UPPSC is a governmental body of Uttar Pradesh which recruits and appoints candidates for the vacant posts in the various government departments.

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How to check the result of UPPSC Rajasva Nirikshak online
As soon as the results are released, the download link for the result will be made available on the homepage of the official website. However get acquainted with the online process of checking result. We give here steps to check online result of UPPSC for the candidates who are very eagerly waiting for the result of their exams given for the post of Rajasva Nirikshak
1. Candidates must log on to the official website of UPPSC first at the link
2. The link of UPPSC result 2015 for exam of Revenue Inspector or Rajasva Nirikshat will be found.
3. Click on the proper link on the homepage and get a new page.
4. Enter all the details asked in the boxes. Click on the ‘Submit’ to get your results.

Candidates who are shortlisted are eligible for the further round of the recruitment i.e. personal interview. The actual cut off marks will be known once the result for UPPSC are announced. The final merit list will also be prepared based on the scores of the written exam and later on in the interview. The final merit list will decide the qualified candidates for several vacant posts of Revenue Inspector in Uttar Pradesh.
Posts of 617 Revenue Inspectors were publically notified by UPPSC last year and the relevant written exam for the posts are already conducted in January 2015. Results are not yet released but candidates can keep some check on their curiosity with the Answer Key solutions published on its website. This examination was conducted towards testing the average aptitude of the candidates who applied for the post of Revenue Inspector. The exam was comprised of two objective type papers with each paper of 200 marks. The First paper was for the General Studies and Aptitiude and the second paper was for General Hindi and Arithmetic.
Also check answer key of JEE Main.
UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) is a state organization which is responsible for conducting the civil services examinations in the state of Uttar Pradesh for all the entry level recruitments in different civil services.
We hope the candidates waiting for the result of recruitment exam of UPPSC Revenue Inspector are now updated well on how to check their result online. Keep visiting our site to know the dates when the UPPSC Result 2015 is published. Also let us have your queries and views in the comment section below.