How to Easily Combine Numerous Video Clips


Imagine all the things you could do if you were able to combine several video clips into a single video. For starters you could produce your very own ‘best of’ styled content, by compiling the best of your video clips into a single video. Alternatively you could use it to create a video that consists of multiple scenes – each recorded as individual clips and then combined later on.

While the idea of ‘combining’ videos may sound foreboding to a degree, it is really very straightforward. In fact, with Movavi Video Editor all that you need to do is:

  1. Add all the video clips that you want to combine by clicking ‘Add Media Files’ and selecting them.
  2. By default the clips will all appear in the ‘Timeline’ section of the software and you can drag them around in there until you’re satisfied with the order that they’re in.
  3. Save your video by clicking ‘Export’.


Even if it is your first time editing videos or using Movavi Video Editor, you should be done in just a minute or two. Of course if you want to do more than just combine videos then you’ll find that some of the other features in the software will provide you with several interesting opportunities to tweak or even dramatically alter your videos and how they look.

In particular you may want to cut and delete certain segments from your video that you don’t need. Or you may want to add animated transitions between certain scenes of your video so that it stylishly flows from one part of the video to the next. All that can be done with little or no hassle using Movavi Video Editor, and in fact you can also enhance the quality of your videos, add customizable text, or apply various special effects and filters, and much more too.

The only question that you need to ask yourself is: What sort of edits do you want to perform on your video? Once you determine that for yourself, it is simply of locating the right feature in Movavi Video Editor and applying it accordingly. With a little bit of experimentation to familiarize yourself with the software, you’ll soon realize that there isn’t much that you aren’t able to do when you have it in your corner and are able to take advantage of its features.

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