SSLC Result 2015

SSLC Result 2015 : Download Karnataka Board Class 10 Result

Education Exam Results

Get SSLC 2015 Exam Result

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board conducts the SSLC and many other examinations in Karnataka State and also declares SSLC Results 2015. With each passing year, the strength of students appearing for SSLC Karnataka exams is increasing. Karnataka SSLC Results will be declared after the examination will be over by 15th of April. The results of SSLC 2015 will be out during May month, but students should know in advance how to check their results of Karnataka Board class 10th online. This will help them to check their results instantly when they are published. Board will notify through newspapers and online notifications about exact date of the declaration of results. Whenever the date of result for SSLC 2015 is declared, we will keep you update on the same. Till then, go through our below instructions and prepare yourself to check SSLC Result 2015 online.

Students who appeared for Class 10th Exams under Andhra Pradesh Board can check their AP SSC result of 2015 exam here.

SSLC stands for Secondary School Leaving Certificate and it is Class 10th exam of Karnataka board. This year, the exams of KSEB SSLC exams starts from 3rd March till 15th of April. Students are not notified by post for the results and hence the results are to be checked online only.

SSLC Result 2015

Karnataka SSLC Results 2015

Karnataka SSLC Results 2015 will be declared over the official website of Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board.

Click on the below links to follow the result of SSLC Result 2015 of Karnataka Board.

KSEEB Results 2015

Karnataka Board Exam Results 2015

The above links will direct students to the official websites of Karnataka Board for Secondary Education. Note below further key-steps to check the Result of SSLC 2015 :

1. Search for the tab showing SSC Result 2015 on the interface of above official sites of KBSE

2. The new window will appear where students will have to type their roll no. and name.

3. After filling up roll number and name, click on OK button.

4. This will enable students to view their Karnataka Board SSLC Results 2015.

The result can be printed and also saved in a pdf format. Our instructions to check the results of class 10th Karnataka Board will help students to check their results as soon as they are published on the site. We suggest students to preserve our post or bookmark this page so that you can check the result in future instantly when they are declared. Students can start proceeding further with regard to their admissions in specific streams for the higher secondary schools after knowing their sslc results.

SSLC Result 2015

Karnataka Secondary Education Board was founded in 1966 and its headquarter is in Bangalore. The main responsibility of this board is to regulate exams in the state out of which the largest one is SSLC exam. Beside conducting exams, school also regulates syllabus, grants to schools, courses of study and research and development for the benefit of students.

Students appearing for Class 10th and Class 12th from Central Board Schools can also check their results with below links:

CBSE Class 10th Results 2015

CBSE Class 12th Results 2015

Karnataka SSLC Result 2015 : Introduces Grading System

KSEB, Bangalore will be introducing the grading system for the first time this year. Finally the good news for students as Karnataka Board has decided to award grades instead of classes in the SSLC results 2015. Until last year, KSEB was continuing the classes and distinctions. Now students will be given grades in the mark sheets or results of SSLC 2015 like A+, A, B+, B, C+ and C like other educational boards in India. CBSE, ICSE, Gujarat Board and Maharashtra Board has been using grading system since few years.

Since this will be for the first time that Karnataka Board students will be having grading system, we give below the grades and the relevant marks for which it will be given.

Grade A+ : 562-625 marks

Grade A : 500-561 marks

Grade B+ : 437-499 marks

Grade B : 375-436 marks

Grade C+ : 312-374 marks

Grade C : 219-311 marks

During last year, the SSLC result 2015 were declared on 12 May 2014 and more than 8 lakh students appeared for the exams. We understand our post will be of great help to all the students of Karnataka Secondary Education Board Class 10th. Stay with us to catch more updates on various exams and results. Do share your views and queries in the comment section below. We will update you as and when the Karnataka Board results of SSLC 2015 are declared.

3 thoughts on “SSLC Result 2015 : Download Karnataka Board Class 10 Result

  1. This year grade system is very bad for scoring students, in this compitating world this grade is is really bad because there is no difference between scored 99% and scored 91% how can students comapare with others with marks? oh I got A+ and another one is saying like I also got A+ what is the differnce. this time Karanataka education system is done really bad thing. am I right or wrong friends????????

  2. But it only means that the classes will be replaced by grades and nothing else. We will know our marks. They never said marks are going to be replaced by grades..

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