GPSC Recruitment 2015 – Dy. Officer & Dy. Mamlatdar
The application forms for GPSC Recruitment 2015 are out with regard to 733 vacant posts o f Dy. Section Officer – Secretariate (Sachivalay), Deputy Section Officer (Gujarat Vidhan Sambha), Deputy Section Officer (GPSC) and Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue Department or Mehsul Vibhag). All the candidates interested in applying for these posts can apply online by clicking on the below given links. GPSC conducts recruitment exams for appointment of appropriate personnel for services to state. It releases notifications on its website as well as through the leading news papers of the states.
Online Application for various posts of Dy. Section Officer and Nayab Mamlatdar
Click on the below links to apply online for the following posts :
Deputy Section Officer Dy. Mamlatdar Class III
Interested candidates should fill up the online form available at the above portal. We give below the eligibility criteria required for this posts and number of vacant posts for your ready reference.
No. of vacancies for the posts notified through Advertisement no. 51:
Deputy Section Officer (Secretariat) – 318 Deputy Section Officer
Deputy Section Officer (Gujarat Vidhan Sabha) – 10
Deputy Section Officer (GPSC) – 5
Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue) – 400
Students who just appeared for the board exams can check their results at our site:
Eligibility Criteria for Dy. Section Officer and Deputy Mamlatdar
The recruitment process will comprise a competitive exams in June 2015. All the selected candidates will be sent a call letter for the examinations.
Age requirement – Candidate should be more than 20 years and less than 30 years as on 31st March 2015.
5 years relaxation is given in age limit for candidates for S&E BC, SC and ST candidates and for women candidates of General category.
10 years relaxation in age limit is given to women candidates of reserved categories and also to PWD Candidates.
Educational Qualification Requirement – All the candidates applying for above posts shall be holding a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university established under Central or State Act or any recognized deemed university under UGC Act. Candidates should be having knowledge of basic computer applications and should be familiar with Gujarati and/or Hindi language.
Candidates can view the advertisement regarding this recruitment notification by downloading it in pdf format by clicking on the Advertisement no. 51 at official site of GPSC.
Also check the notification regarding recruitment for 2440 vacant posts of Gujarat Talati.
The preliminary exam for recruitment of these posts will be conducted on 21st of June 2015 by GPSC. Candidates can get the details regarding this advertisement no. 51 with released with regarding to recruitment for vacant posts of Dy. Section Officer and Deputy Mamlatdar over GPSC online portal. Stay with us to get updates on further notifications regarding recruitment by Gujarat Public Service Commission. Share your queries and views with us. Keep visiting us to view the latest notifications released by GPSC with regard to recruitment for various positions vacant. We will also keep you updated on the results of the recruitment exams with regard to Deputy Mamlatdar and Deputy Section Officer as and when published by GPSC.