JK CET results 2014

JK CET Results 2014 Declared: Check JKBOPEE CET Results

Exam Results

The Jammu and Kashmir board of professional entrance examinations will announce JK CET results 2014 soon. The JK CET examination will be held on 7th and 8th June 2014. The JK CET results 2014 will be announced on the official website during the last week of June, 2014. All the candidates who are appearing for the exam on 7th and 8th will start expecting for the JK CET results 2014 from 9th June, 2014. Once the exams are held, everyone starts awaiting for their results and that’s natural. Candidates appeared for JK CET have to wait for little more time, till the end of the June month. You can keep visiting our Results section, to get the dates of JK CET results 2014 once announced.

JK CET 2014 Exam overview

JK CET results 2014

Every year Jammu and Kashmir board of professional entrance examinations conducts JK CET. JK CET is conducted for the students aspiring to take admission to various professional courses, like MBBS, BDS, BAMS, Physiotherapy, Diploma Dental Hygiene, BE etc. The candidates who have cleared the examination will get admission to government and private colleges. JK CET 2014 exam is mandatory exam for all the candidates willing to study under graduates program.

This year the exam is held on 7th and 8th June. The test covers 4 main subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics.

Timetable for the JK CET 2014

Date Morning Session Afternoon Session
7th June, 2014 9:55 AM (Physics) 12:55 PM (Chemistry)
8th June, 2014 9:55 AM (Biology) 12:55 PM ( Maths)


Candidates can check the JK CET exam answer key from the official website. Answer key will be uploaded to the official website on 8th June later in the evening. Candidates can check the answer key once uploaded. If any candidate wants to make any representation with regards to any answer they can do it on 9th, 10th and 11th June in a prescribed format, which you would find in the brochure. Any representations after 11th June will not be accepted. Candidates will be able to assume their JK CET 2014 results by checking the answer key.

JK CET 2014 Results date

JK CET results 2014 will be rolled out very soon on the official website. Once the results are on the official website, you can check your results by entering your registration number on the results portal.

You can check your JK CET results 2014 by following bellow given steps

  • Login in to the official website.
  • Click on the link “Check you JK CET Results 2014”
  • Enter your registration number.
  • JK CET 2014 results will be on your screen
  • Take print out of the results.

Candidates, who have just appeared for the JK CET results 2014, will have to wait for little longer time. Very soon the JK CET results 2014 will be uploaded on the official website. So this is the time you can utilize to search for the college and the course you want to study further. So decide upon the course you want to study and which college you want to go to. Once the results are rolled out, admission process will start for different programs. Till than all the best to the candidates, who have appeared for the JK CET exam and keep visiting our website to keep yourself updated..

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