Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) came into existence in the year 1966, It has been conducting SSLC (10th Class). Bengali and English language is used for official purposes. Karnataka Board Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) Supplementary Exam 2014 has conducted by “Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB), Bangalore”. This Supplementary exam is conducted for all the students who just failed in the SSLC Exam by the Education Board of Karnataka. Failed students are requested to write the Supplementary Exam to get the 10th class certificate as pass. In case, if you appeared for the supplementary exam, then you can get Karnataka SSLC supplementary 10th class result 2014 from the official website.
This exam is very useful for the students who failed in the regular 10th exam. The exam results for all roughly 8 lakh examinees was announced in May and since some students were unable to obtain the minimum passing marks had to apply for the supplementary examination which was conducted in June 2014. The students who appeared in Karnataka board SSLC exam is now waiting for Karnataka SSLC result 2014. The result of Karnataka SSLC exam will be declared soon. It has been recorded that overall 7.26 lakh students had applied freshly for the first time and the private students were 21,670 in count. You can get all the information from the the result section
Karanatak SSLC 10th Class 2014 Result
In the SSLC examination 2014 this year, 41,269 candidates had been repeating the examinations. Karnataka Board SSLC supplementary exam result will be published after two months from the exam date. In 2013, the SSLC Supplementary Results 2013 was declared on 12th July 2013. KSEEB will announce the results of the SSLC Supplementary exam 2014 or class 10th re-appearing paper results in July 2014. As mentioned above, near about 8 lacs students had written their papers of SSLC 2014 examination and every year the ratio of failed candidates is diminishing, which is a good sign.
To check your Karanataka SSLC ‘Supplementary’ result 2014 you need to have your roll number as well as internet access, followed by visiting the mentioned websites to view your results. After clearing remaining papers of SSLC 2014 Examination, the students will be able to successfully pursue junior college that is the first and second year of Pre- University College course, in the desired stream. Hence this exam result is very important for student career. In case, if you are interested in getting admission in engineering colleges, then you can check this list. Just keep in touch for all the news and updates regarding the result of the supplementary exam. Wish all the best and a very good luck for the Karnataka SSLC result 2014.