How to Score Good Marks in Class 10 Examination


Board Exams are the most important exams for every student. The Board exams help a student to shape their career and help to plan for their future career ahead. In order to pick the right career option, it is very important to prepare for your board exams in the right manner. The pressure to score good marks and to pursue a career of your choice is always high. However, here are some study tips that will help you to prepare and score good marks in your board examinations.

Always Take Notes

Whenever you are studying a particular topic from any subject, always take notes. To make a good and easy-to-understand notebook, use more than one colour. Write the topic using a black pen and about the topic using a blue pen. Note down the important points from the study materials that you study from. There are plenty of books available in the market, make sure you are using the best book to prepare your notes.

Right Place to Study

To prepare for board examinations, it is essential to find the right place to study. Choose a right place at your home where you can study without any disturbances. If you have a study table at home, make sure it is not close to any gadget which can create a disturbance for you during your study hours. It is always recommended to study at a place where there is sufficient amount of light as it will be easy to read the texts clearly.

Refer to Previous Year Questions and Sample Papers

After completing the syllabus, try solving previous year question papers and sample papers. Solving these question papers will help you to understand the format of the question paper as well as the marking scheme. You will get a lot of sample papers and previous year question papers on the internet as well as in the local bookstores. A number of questions are picked from the previous year questions papers; hence, is recommended to practise these previous year question papers. There are also several sample papers that come with answers and studying those will help you know the right format to answer the questions. To download CBSE Sample Papers you can always visit educational sites like BYJU’S as they upload new sample papers every year.

Understand what you are studying

Never try to memorise the topics, try to understand them. This will help you to retain the topics in your memory for a longer period of time. If you are having trouble understanding difficult topics like electromagnetism, trigonometry and refraction of light, ask your teachers to make you understand these concepts and if you’re not in a place to ask your teachers, then browse the internet and you will get lots of videos and study materials. Choose the best one by seeing the comments, views and numbers of downloads to use as a reference to understand those complicated topics.

Stay Healthy

Eat good food. Follow a healthy diet during your exam preparation days as well as during the exam weeks. The more active you will be, less likely to fall ill. If you are healthy, you will have more concentration to study. Eating junk food will make you lazy or maybe even can get you ill. So, avoid junk food for few days and study to score good marks.

Studying using your own notes will help you to understand and to revise the concepts faster during your last minute preparation. Choose the right study materials to avoid wastage of time, because time is very crucial especially when you are preparing for your board exams.

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