Hey! GATE aspirants; are you afraid about your preparations for GATE 2019-20 exam? No need to be panic anymore for your GATE exam preparations, as we are here with 10 proven tips which will help you to crack your GATE exam in the first attempt. So, let’s get a start!
Always set your goals
- Setting your goals according to your priorities is the first major step while preparing for your GATE exam. Because different goals need different strategies. And thus it is important to set your goals in term of your priorities.
- If you are willing to get admission in top IIT’s or getting a job in PSU’s is your dream, then you have to achieve higher rankings regarding that. But if you are willing to just simply pass the GATE exam for your future purpose, then you can afford to skip some of the topics. So, before starting the studies set your goals accordingly.
Knowing your syllabus completely is always helpful
- Before starting your study, it’s important to know your syllabus completely. As there are papers from 24 disciplines, it’s an important thing to get familiar with your syllabus according to your stream & the subject’s, so you can plan your studies in a correct manner.
- Go through your syllabus once & make a list of subject’s topic wise according to your strength & weakness. Once you divide the topics according to your strength & weakness, choose those topics first in which you are strong & study them in a way so that you will get more time for studying the topics in which you are weak.
Choose the correct study material to avoid further confusions
- Choosing the correct study material is another most important factor while preparing for the GATE examination. Read what is right for you. The standard books for GATE preparation are recommended for the studies. These books provide detail information about the topic, so it is recommended if you choose these books from starting for your GATE preparation.
- But what if you have just a few months like 2-3 months left for your GATE exam? Then it’s not possible to study from these books. So, go for short notes as you do not have that much of time left for your preparations.
- You can avail these notes from coaching classes, if you have already joined for coaching classes then it’s well & good or you can avail them buy paying for the notes. You can also watch some You-tube videos for notes as some professors from well-known institutions provide their informational videos for free.
Make your basic concepts clear, to develop your logic
- Forget about scoring high rankings in GATE exam without making your basic concepts clear. It’s a huge misconception that getting a high score in GATE is about being able to memorize the theories and the concepts word by word than understanding them properly.
- However, if you are thinking about preparing for your GATE exam, then you should focus on understanding the concepts instead of swotting them up. Once you understand the logic behind a particular concept and know how to execute it, you will be able to solve the questions based on it easily.
Make a perfect study plan & execute it adherently
- Once you get an idea about the topics that have to be covered, you can build up your own study plan. It is recommended to go for the details of the syllabus and plan it according to the total time span in terms of months, days & hours you have. If you are a college student or a working professional, then it’s a tough task to make time from your schedule for your GATE preparation.
- Hence it is advisable to study as per a weekly goal to fortify the complete coverage for each topic. Make your study plan in such manner that from JULY to NOVEMBER, your focus should be on completing your whole GATE exam syllabus, after that plan one month for practicing purpose, where you can solve previous years question papers & can solve sample question papers
- Make a habit to memorize the formulae on a daily basis for avoiding the on-time confusion. & keep one thing clear in your mind that you should have at least 1 month in your hand for revision before your GATE exam.
Follow the time management techniques & tricks
- Time management is one of the important factors while preparing for GATE exam. If you are a student, or you are working for a full time, then it becomes tedious to manage time. To avoid such problems, make a habit to spend 3-4 hours daily for your GATE studies.
- Make a list of topics to which you have to give more attention, & prepare your timetable according to it. Make sure that you can plan your studies in such a way that you will have 1-2 months for your revision purpose before the exam.
Develop a habit of notes making
- Making notes is one of the important yet undervalued tips for GATE preparation. But making notes is important. It is advisable to keep a pen & notebook handy & write down the important points while studying. Keep a brief summary of all the topics so that you can take a quick look into it while revising the subjects.
- Try to make your own short notes, it will help you in twice manner as you will have notes & you will revise what you have studied. Make a different section for all the formulae so that you can read them up any time without searching for a specific one. Keep revising through these notes time to time so you can remember all the topics correctly.
Clear your doubts
- It’s obvious to have doubts in your mind regarding some topics while preparing for GATE exam. Hence clearing of these doubts is also an important.
- If you have any doubts regarding your study topic, then ask about it to your faculties, either they can be from your college, coaching classes, or you can take help from those who have already been appeared for GATE exam. Take guidance from experienced people, so that you can get answers to clear your doubts.
Revise & revise, because revision is a must
- While preparing for an exam, it’s important to revise all the topics you have studied. & GATE is such a prestigious & tough exam, it’s important to revise the entire topics subject wise so if you have any query in any topic then you can solve it. Make a habit to revise weekly whatever the subjects or topics you have studied throughout a week.
Do regular practice to improve your knowledge
- While preparing for GATE exam, practice is the major factor to test your knowledge. Go for the test series, mock tests, so that you can solve more questions & practice them. Make a habit that you should give a test on the topic which you have studied on a weekly basis.
- This will help you to increase your speed for writing, in building up problem-solving strategy, logic development, to know that which topics need more attention. Hence regular practice is required.
& in the last follow all these tips, relax, prepare well, don’t get panic if you don’t remember something while solving the paper in the exam hall, think & try to recall by being calm. Be confident & do well. Best Luck!