Finally, Piku, a family drama movie trailer has been launched by the MSM Motion pictures, Saraswati entertainment and Rising sun films. Bollywood’s most talented actors are starring the movie but glancing at the trailer, it seems that it may fail to attract more crowd. The movie explores the relationship between the father and daughter. Today, Piku trailer was released by the MSM motion to the wide. If you are a fan of a Deepika Padukone then you would be surprised to see her in a de-glam role. She still looks stunning in this new cameo.
Piku Official Trailer
Piku is a family drama movie which focuses on the father-daughter relationship and how they struggle in the life. The roles are played by Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone respectively. Amitabh Bachchan is playing a role of a father who is rigid and has a hearing issue. He is a Kanjus by nature and fails to mingle with his neighbors. Due to this Deepika is having hell lots of problem but she can not leave her father due to her responsibilities. In between this, she meets Irrfan Khan and they fall in love. Irrfan Khan plays a role of the lover of the daughter named Piku. The story revolves around them and their ride to the Kolkata city. Irrfan seems to be having a tough time driving the family on the way to Kolkata. There is a little bit of humor, love and everything in between shown in the trailer. The movie is targeted towards the mature crowd. Considering the big followers of the star cast, it is definitely going to pull some decent crowd to the theaters. The movie is slated to hit the cinemas on May 8, 2015.
Watch Piku Trailer
Watch the stunning trailer of the Piku movie below. We also recommend to check the trailer of the Mission Impossible Rouge Nation which was releases a couple of days back.