BIEAP Results 2015
AP Inter 1st year and Inter 2nd year results will be announced very shortly and you are at the right place to check your AP intermediate results 2015 within a few seconds. The board of intermediate education, Andra Pradesh (BIEAP) is expected to release the results of AP Intermediate 1st year and 12th senior year during 1st week of May 2015. AP intermediate education refers to two years course normally known as 11th and 12th standards following SSC or 10th class. The first year is called 1st inter or intermediate while the second year is known as 12th or senior year of intermediate. The division awarded to students in final AP intermediate results 2015 is based on student’s passing all the papers or subjects in 1st year inter and 2nd year inter.
Intermediate exams are held every year by AP board of intermediate education during March and April month. Subsequently AP intermediate results 2015 are declared during month of May.
How to check AP Intermediate Result 2015
1. Check your AP intermediate result 2015 at below official portal link:
This link will direct you immediately to the official site of BIEAP i.e Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh.
2. Follow the link of AP Intermediate 1st year or 2nd year according to your year of study. In case if you find result link for only 1st year or just 2nd year, do not get confused. Just wait for sometime. The board will be publishing the result soon.
It is also possible that AP board of intermediate education may publish result of inter 1st year and 2nd year with gap of one or two days.
3. Once the AP intermediate results 2015 are out, the link will be immediately displayed at the home page of BIEAP.
4. Click on the link and check your AP intermediate results 2015 BIEAP results 2015.
5. Enter your roll number and date of birth in the fields given.
6. Click OK to view your bieap results 2015 after entering all the necessary details asked like roll number, date of birth.
7. Download or print your ap intermediate results 2015.
BIEAP was formed in year 1971 and since then it has been supervising the intermediate education in Andhra Pradesh. For the first time, intermediate education system of 10+2+3 was adapted by Andhra Pradesh state in India.
During last year in 2014, BIEAP results were declared on 3rd of May 2015 and approx. 9 lakh students appeared for the exams. This year, AP board of intermediate education is going to publish the AP intermediate results and AP intermediate 2nd year results during first week of May.
AP Inter Results
In case if you have any doubt regarding correctness of your AP inter results 2015, you can apply for recounting of your answer sheet with payment of Rs. 100 per paper. If you want a xerox copy and re-verification of your answer sheet to be done, the charges for the application is Rs. 600 per paper. The totaling of marks will be done again and in case of any discrepancy, the BIEAP will be doing needful.
The AP inter results 2015 are declared for AP inter exams of 1st year or 11th class and 2nd year or 12th class. Now the board is conducting public exams for both years i.e inter 1st year and inter 2nd year (also called senior year).
Chick here for AP SSC Results 2015
This post aims at providing easy online checking of AP intermediate results 2015 and also some useful information for students of intermediate. BIEAP results 2015 are just round the corner and students should be well updated on how and where to check their AP inter results. You can also suggest others to go through our post for their benefit. Beside AP intermediate results 2015, our education section at features results of various other board exams and entrance exams. Bookmark us or save our post to refer us at later stage when AP intermediate results are out. Wish all students of AP intermediate a very good luck for their results!