Karnataka Board SSLC Results 2015

SSLC Results 2015 Karnataka About To Be Announced

Education Exam Results News

Karnataka Board 10th Class Results 2015

Karnataka Secondary Education and Examination Board is annually conducting the exams of SSLC or 10th class in Karnataka State. We bring here useful information on SSLC results 2015 Karnataka for the benefit of students who will be appearing for this exam. Our aim is to make every student familiar with the ways to check the SSLC Results online and also on the grading system which is new to students of this state. Very large number of students across the state appear for this exam and wait for their results during May-June following the exams. The exams of SSLC Karnataka Board will be getting over by 15th of April 2015 and soon the results of Karnataka SSLC will be awaited by the students. SSLC Stands for Secondary School Leaving Certificate exams.

Karnataka SSLC Results 2015


This year, the SSLC exams are scheduled from 3rd March to 15th April 2015. During year 2014, the SSLC Results 2015 of KSEEB were declared on 12th of May 2014 and more than 8 lakhs students appeared for this exams. The strength of the students is increasing every year and hence it may take some more time for the board to release the results. However we expect it during last week of May.

Check KSEEB SSLC Results 2015 online

Students should also keep on referring the leading newspapers of state to know the declaration of the exact date of SSLC Result 2015 Karnataka. However keep visiting us and check the results online as the dates of results will close. See below the instructions to check the results of SSLC 2015 online:

1. Click on the below links to get through the official portal of Karnataka Board which will be displaying the results of SSLC 2015 exams:

KSEEB Results 2015 SSLC

Karnataka 10th Class Results 2015 SSLC

Both the official sites will clearly highlight the results of SSLC 2015 right at the homepage once the results are published.

2. Click on the SSLC Results 2015 link to get a new page asking for the details of candidate whose result is to be checked.

3. Students should fill up the required details like Roll number and Date of Birth and submit it immediately to view their subject wise result of SSLC.

Sure it will be much easier to check the Karnataka SSLC Results 2015 even for the students who are not familiar with online checking of results till now.

karnataka-SSLC Results 2015

Karnataka Board introduces grading system: SSLC Results 2015

Karnataka State Education & Examination Board has also taken a one step ahead by introducing grading system in evaluation for the first time. Many states in the country have already introduced it like Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. Students who have appeared for their Class 10th exams under Andhra Pradesh State Board can also check their APSSC results 2015 at our site.

Till last year, KSEEB was awarding classes and distinctions to the students. Now since the result of SSLC 2015 is following grading system from year 2015, it is important that students should understand it as they are new to it this year. We give below the slab of marks for each grade:

Grade A+ : 562-625 marks

Grade A : 500-561 marks

Grade B+ : 437-499 marks

Grade B : 375-436 marks

Grade C+ : 312-374 marks

Grade C : 219-311 marks

Also note below the Helpline numbers allotted by State for extending help and counselling to students who may be having some queries or requiring help and counselling with regard to the exams of SSLC Class 10th:

Helpline and Counselling numbers for SSLC Exams 2015:

080 – 23310075 (Bangalore)

080 – 23310076 (Bangalore)

Students can take advantage of this facility and other facilities provided online by the Karnataka Board for SSLC Exams and Results. Do not forget to check your SSLC result 2015 Karnataka. Result of Kerala board will be announced on 20th April and we expect Karnataka board to follow it soon.

Students who are studying in Central Board schools can check their 10th CBSE Result 2015 and 12th class CBSE results 2015.

3 thoughts on “SSLC Results 2015 Karnataka About To Be Announced

  1. In the new system of gradation will the exact marks scored by the students are going to get revealed or not? Whether the percentage wise score is maintained or only grades are given? Please clear this doubt of numerous students waiting for the results and if anyone else knows the answer for above questions then comment it down..

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