Much anticipated movie from the super star Rajinikanth was released past Friday in more than 300 theaters across India and world. The first even animation movie, Kochadaiiyaan, by Rajinikanth was released in multiplexes as well as small theaters in India. In fact, it was released in as many as six different languages in India to pull as much crowd as possible. Usually, Rajinikanth movies are considered to be a crowd puller and entitled to be successful from the day it is released. But is the Kochadaiiyaan as good as crowd expected it to be? Will the success of movies like X-Men Days of Future Past and Manam affect the box office collection of Kochadaiiyaan? Do you want to know the Kochadaiiyaan box office collections reports? Keep reading to know more about the performance of this movie.
Unfortunately, our team didn’t get the chance to watch the movie so we couldn’t review it in our movies review section, however, it looks like a one time watch movie. The box office collection report of Kochadaiiyan not pleasant either. The movie earned respectable amount within first 4 days. In fact, the total amount it earned is Rs.42 cr in India. Considering the popularity of Rajinikanth, we expect the movie to collect more money in upcoming month. Due to IPL and Manam movie success, the movie is facing a difficult competition in southern part of India especially Tamil Nadu.
Kochadaiiyaan Box Office Collection
Despite of being released in over 3000 screens in Indian in as many as six different languages Kochadaiiyan has clinched only Rs. 42 crore in this weekend. The movie as released under different name (Vikramasimha) in Tamil Nadu but is not doing as much good as expected due to the huge success of Manam movie. Even, the recent release of X-Men Days of Future Past has given a really tough competition to it. We have already reviewed this film before on this blog
We shall provide this week’s collection on Monday. Probably, it will collect another Rs. 80-100 crore this week. According to pundits, the film is expected to the business around Rs. 300-400 crore in total.