The all new Fantastic Four trailer leaked ahead of its IMAX trailer release. Following the leaks of several other superhero movies like Batman Vs Superman, Antman and several others. It would be difficult to grasp that Fantastic Four trailer was first leaked on the YouTube by a user name lioonelx. Surprisingly, it was the only video posted by this anonymous users. Nonetheless, the new Fantastic Four trailer has more action-packed scenes then all the previous movies. As of writing this article, the video has been pulled down from the YouTube from the users account but it has been released officially by 20th Century Fox. Go watch the trailer if you haven’t.
Fantastic Four Trailer
Watch Fantastic Four trailer 2 right here, right now. The trailer is going to give you goosebumps for sure.
The trailer of Fantastic Four was leaked 1 week earlier than the expected date. The movie is expected to hit the theaters in August month. It is scheduled to launch on 7th August in USA and other regions. Unfortunately, the leaked movie trailer didn’t get an overwhelming response from the users. People are not much happy with the starcast. Dr. Doom and his nemesis Fantastic Four team are all over the place.
You would also see some action packed fighting of Invisible women, human torch and Mr. Fantastic. However, there are less action shown by The Thing, but we expect the next trailer to cover him more. At the end of the trailer, you could see a plane dropping The Thing like a bomb on the ground and creating the havoc. You can also see a glimpse of Dr. Doom in the trailer.
Will you be watching the movie? The story line will be predictable and we expect more action in the movie then all the previous three editions. However, the predictability of the movie can cost it dearly. What’s your take on this trailer?