Cute Whatsapp Status
Would you like to get some cute status for whatsapp? In fact, there are several Whatsapp status messages covered on our blog. Whatsapp has quickly become one of the most used instant messaging mobile application across all the platforms. After the acquisition by the Facebook, it even became more popular. With all the possible features you would crave in an IM service, Whatsapp has quickly became the darling of Indian users. Groups, voice call, video sharing, audio sharing, photo sharing and several other features, it has replaced tradition SMS messages. If you are looking for a ready made cute status for whatsapp to share with your friends or girlfriend, then you have come to the right place. There are few cool whatsapp status available on our blog that you can share with them. Here are some beautiful and cute Whatsapp status messages for you to share with your near and dear ones over the best social media of today. These messages for whatsapp status are inspiring, cute and hear rending. We are sure you would like the collection of cute messages for whatsapp status.
Collection of Cute Status for Whatsapp
Following are some of the cute status for whatsapp handpicked for our readers. We have carefully selected them so you can have a maximum fun.
- Someday when the pages of my life will end, I know that you will be the most beautiful chapter to open and read it again from where I first met you.
- Scars are beautiful when we see them as glorious reminders that we courageously survived.
- Sometimes someone says something really small and it just suits right into the empty place in your heart.
- Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.
- Tough times, however unwelcome they seem do something good for sure. At least they bring us closer.
- God knows the mess we are in when he calls us. His light shines greater through cracked pots than through perfect ones.
- The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.
- We have so many needs in our life but at the end of the day all we need is to be needed.
- Once you accept someone for what they really are, they will surprise you by being better than you ever expected.
- Every artist and poet name his creation. But Mother is the only person who gives birth to a child but gives Father’s name.
- One half of our heart always knows that some things would never happen, still the second half waits for some magic or miracle to happen.
- If you don’t act naughty while you are young, you will not have anything to smile about when you grow older.
- You will end up disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.
- All hearts have same shape and chambers, but the rhythms are different.
- I love photos coz the best thing it never changes the person in it.
- There is nothing more beautiful than a person whose heart is broken but still believes in love.
- Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them. Face the reality.
- Its better to be Unique that the Best coz being the best makes you the number one but being the unique makes you the only one.
- My heart is mine but whenever I argue with it about you, it always becomes yours and takes your side.
- Everything in life is pre written but with prayers, it can be re-written.
- Success begins at the end of your comfort zone.
- Peace begins when expectations end.
- You will have some people in your life whom you have lost and have not seen them since ages. But they still knock at the doors of your heart.
- Every time I think of you, eyes feel wetness and lips go silent.
- I wish I were a girl again; half-savage, hardy and free of all restrictions!
- Life is a funny novel. Nothing to be shared but pages are full with all kind of stories.
- Every beginning is a great thing, doesn’t matter how small it is.
- Don’t judge anyone by first look. It can be just an impression and not the real self.
- Some questions are meant to be unanswered. Silence and smiles are the best answers.
- Its superstitious, but how much it will cost you to touch the wood.
- God has not sent us without blessings. A heart to love dearly, touch to heal thousands of sorrows, smiles to wash away all ills.
- Be the person that you will fall in love with yourself.
- Words are beautiful when spoken with love, they are best when spoken carefully. They are awesome when expresses gratitude.
- It may not be your fault this time, but saying sorry is so simple and curable.
- Friendships relieve you from fear of being alone in life.
- Human beings are wonderful creation. I fell in love with few and adore so many.
- If you don’t trust your people, build the trust.
- Getting hurt is better than hurting someone. Pain is easier to wash away than guilt.
- Best moment of my life was when I was broken and alone; I got up on my own to live life with a new beginning.
- Don’t be afraid of taking risks. If you succeed, you will win. If you lose, you will learn.
- Always be thankful to wrong persons of your life. They teach you right lessons.
- When you are going through hell, just keep going. Somewhere some diversion will take you towards heaven.
- Perfect understanding is when a person hurts you and you don’t hurt back understanding his situation.
- Let your trust like ambuja cement and let your relations like fevicol.
- Do something you have never done and you will get what you never got.
- You need to leave the shores to know the depth of waters.
- Every new day is yet another chance to live life fully.
- Nothing is stable in this world, not even your difficult situations.
- Struggling does not mean failure; it means success is waiting somewhere.
- If you get an opportunity, you are lucky. If you create an opportunity, you are brilliant. If you use an opportunity, you are winner.
- If you can’t find your purpose, follow your passion.
- Even the most furious storms pass away with the time.
- Do not forget to thank God when you feel a miracle has happened in front of your eyes.
- Only purpose of life is to keep on living in any situation.
- Never waste your time in giving explanations. Others will only hear what they want to.
We are sure you would enjoy the above compilation of cute status for whatsapp. These messages for whatsapp status are picked up thoughtfully. You will definitely like to share them with your friends over whatsapp as they are cute and inspiring. Stay with us to get more collections of whatsapp status quotes.